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Your Vehicle

Dacia Duster BENZİN OTOMATİK veya benzeri

10259 ₺ (3 Day) 3419.67 ₺/Day
Price table
Vehicle Price10259
Total price10259
* Sezonluk fiyat farkları dahildir.
* What is this?
Your new coupon code is generated every time you rent a car. You can use these vouchers once on your next car rental or you can share them with another person. It does not affect the online payment discount or the discounts you can receive from the membership points earned. It is applied to the vehicle price, not to additional requests.
Ofiste ödeme ile kiralama yapıyorsunuz. Hemen ödeme ile kirala
Rental location and date : Trabzon Airport, TZX, Trabzon June 11 2024 Tuesday 19:30
Place and date of return : Trabzon Airport, TZX, Trabzon June 14 2024 Friday 19:30


Have you rented a car here before? Üye girişi yap
(Otherwise, young driver pricing will apply.)

Flight Information (optional)


Information about insurances
189 ₺
1500 TL ye kadar oluşan hasarlarda kiracı beyanı ile onarım sağlama avantajı sunan güvencedir.
289 ₺
5000 TL ye kadar oluşan hasarlarda kiracı beyanı ile onarım sağlanma avantajı sunan güvencesidir. Tampon Sıyrıkları, Anahtar Kaybı, Sigara yanığı, Ücretsiz yol yardım,İMM


Add a request for a Navigation Device, baby seat, or other extras. Please note that the availability of these extras is not always guaranteed.
199 ₺
For babies up to 9 months or under 9 kilos.
229 ₺
Recommended for driving in winter conditions.
359 ₺
199 ₺
600 ₺

After completing your reservation, your membership will be created and the definitions will be sent to your e-mail address.
❕ Missing information

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